Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ann Voskamp's Eucharista & Jennie Allen's Anything

Ann Voskamp's Eucharista: discovering the love of Jesus by making an ongoing list on things He does for me..

Lots of people talk of a gratitude list, but for me it goes beyond just thankfulness. It will be my way of learning of the lavish love of Jesus. I went to a really screwed up church in my late teens and early twenties, and my understanding of God was an angry ogre out to get us, who just on a whim chose some to experience eternity with Him. It was awful, a very bi-polar God and for 10 years I wanted nothing to do with Jesus. Thanks to the grace of Jesus seen in my husband and my new church, I am slowly starting to come to understand that He is out to outrageously love us and not to hurt us..He is not continually trying to pay us back for our sin..He already paid for our sin and He wants us to be holy in order to be free. I set my phone to ring every hour and write down things He has done for me, from the simple, to the silly to the great.

Jennie Allen's Anything: reckless, courageous surrender of everything to Jesus..being ONLY  a Jesus-chaser..

Lost souls, the safety of those I love, a baby, and being the ideal wife, mom & writer ..these haunt me with fear, paralyze me at times, and are areas that I hold like a vise-grip. The riot in my heart should be Jesus..losing myself in the giddiness of His love who cares about these people & my own heart more than is humanly possible to comprehend. Loosening the grip and throwing them at His feet, then walking so close to Him that I see His the rhythms of His grace towards me and just take the next right step. Soaking in the overflowing bubble bath of the joy of His Word and His flawless plan of love in everything that happens..

Images from here & here

Linked at The Wellspring & Graceful


  1. stopping in from PD...oh I have known this journey too...isn’t just wonderful to really know how much He loves us...and to build a relationship on love and not on fear...counting has been big part of that too for me. blessings as He continues to pours all His love upon you~

    1. Thank you for visiting..yes, such a relief to realize that it is His love that encompasses us, not His is still a revelation that I am learning to embrace..


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