Monday, July 2, 2012

Husband First ~ convo with a friend


Last week I was in Bible study and was asking a friend if possibly we could have a couples study with her and her husband. Her answer was yes, but she was quick to follow up that it all depended on her husband - as he is her first priority.
 There are so many times that I feel pulled in so many directions by so many people. Next to belonging to my Lord, it is my husband who turned my life around and gave me a purpose. When in doubt, my job is to support my husband first of all. My career path falls as wife first, then mommy to many, then writer. 
I always have to have a career path in my head. It's the way I keep focused. I just have to remember that my career path is not necessarily the mainstream, 21st century path, but one that the Ancient of Days invented for me as a woman many, many years ago..
image taken from here 
linked to time-warp wife& passionate and creative homemaking

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