Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"I lead a small life, valuable, but small"

"I lead a small life, valuable, but small" ~ Kathleen Kelly in You've Got Mail

So often I feel driven to do more. To have a broader range of influence. Pulled in all different directions. And then, there I go again. Running away, retreating, hiding. Dipping my feet in the extrovert's personality only to duck and cover in my cave of a home.

And the people I leave hanging because I have forced myself to do something that, shortly, I will forsake and run from. I am not sure why I do this. Because when I start out, although it is a challenge to try new things, I am usually glad that I've have reached out beyond my comfort zone. But there comes a point where I have had enough and I absolutely turn my back on  it. I have done this with jobs, with people, with projects. 

My intention today was this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, "Do one thing everyday that scares you." I guess what I am becoming more aware of is the fact that it is consistent repetition of something that I am scared of, say an unending job or project or need, that unnerves me. It seems that I do better with tackling the extrovert needs on a monthly or seasonal basis. Putting on the calendar: host a Christmas sing-a-long or invite these ladies over for tea or have a card game night with this couple.

But, above all, I need to realize that although my life is small and spent mostly in p.j. pants in the comfiness of my home, I have my big, sweet family that I am constantly giving myself for, you dear friends that I share my heart with as well as my monthly bouts in hosting social gatherings.

image from here

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