Sunday, April 15, 2012

To Life!!!!!!!

Worship & Teaching in Church today inspired these words:


I have such an Attachment to My Home...

A Real Grownup & Married Home of my Own...

And the Life that Exists Here...

All the Lives that Come to Hang with Us...

The Hubby, the Children, the Parents, the Friends, the Animals...

Abundance of Life as We All Hang Together...

Having Deep Chats, Laughing Hysterically, Interacting with Film and Games, Praying...

This Life Exists not only in Our Home, But in Our Joint Excursions in the Car, in Others' Abodes...

The Abundance comes from the Hilarity of Happiness that Exists in Us...

This Happiness is because Fear is No More and Peace & Power are in its Place...

Why? The Blood of Jesus that is Alone Our Hope and Our Victory!!!!

The Blood: the Only Means by which We can Boldly Approach God, the Spiritual Forces & Other Creatures!!!

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