enemy upsets my giddy joy by screwing with my thoughts. All throughout
my life when I was walking with my Lord, the mind is where I have been
hit. I didn't experience the mind attacks nearly as much during my time of confused
rebellion - makes sense, I wasn't a threat to Satan and his army so
there was no need to mess with me. I guess the attack is a sign that I
am on the Lamb's side and I can boast about my weaknesses
that the power of Christ can be seen in me. I know there are a lot of
how-to books on how to conquer the mind. But the technique that has
worked for me came from the movie, A Beautiful Mind. John Nash battles schizophrenia - he has an alternate reality in his mind. Doctors medicate
him for it. But the meds mess with his brilliant mind and he stops
taking them. He learns himself, with his wife's help, how to recognize
and then ignore the pseudo reality. I have found that if I ignore the thoughts of suspicion, doubt & fear and say the name "Jesus" over and over, the thoughts eventually fade and I hope again. They are not always gone, but like in John Nash's mind, they are way in the distance and don't bother me much at all.
Fighting these thoughts for so many years, this song was the desire of my heart. And now I have my Lord & my husband who calm my mind with talk of summertime. The Word says over and over, "Fear Not" and His Name is my power!!!
"All I Ask of You" from The Phantom of the Opera
No more talk of darkness
Forget these wide-eyed fears
I'm here, nothing can harm you
My words will warm and calm you
Let me be your freedom
Let daylight dry your tears
I'm here, with you, beside you
To guard you and to guide you
Say you'll love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summer time
Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you
Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
You're safe, no one will find you
Your fears are far behind you
All I want is freedom
A world with no more night
And you, always beside me
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