Saturday, July 28, 2012

Responses to The Idle Parent Chapters 1 &2

Chapter 1 in a nutshell:

1) blur the distinction between work & play..sing while doing the at important things & work at the lightest amusements

2) in the home, let mom find her sweetest jobs & dad his pleasantest play: I like this idea as a stay at home wife & many times, in our current age, the dad is expected to do equal work around the home as mom. And yes, if mom has a full time job outside the home, it should be like this. But the privilege my husband has given me to be able to stay at home also carries with it (at least for me), the home as my "office" as it were and the goal to make it into a haven of relaxation for my husband. Of course, he will help whenever I need it; I just try to not make him do too much since he works so hard for us at his job..

3) don't think of things, activities, people in terms of "liking them" or "disliking them". Learn to find appreciation in all things, so that we can enjoy stuff together and not always be about doing our own thing..

image from here

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