Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Glory written by Ruth Ward Heflin #2: Spiritual Senses

Studying child development and teaching kiddos for ten years has magnified to me the importance of the senses...I love finding ways to encourage little ones to feel, taste, hear, smell and see...one way I have found that really combines most of the senses is baking with tots...which as well provides a huge sense of accomplishment and a reward - a yummy snack!!!

On Wednesday we were talking at Bible Study about how we have spiritual senses that take on similar form to our physical senses...we can spiritually empath, seeing & feeling & hearing the heart of Christ & the needs of other's, people have even been known to smell a sweet aroma when Christ was in their midst or a foul smell when evil was present. The Word says taste and see that the Lord is good...and we are to feed & drink the living Bread and Water which are Christ and partake of the symbols (bread & wine) which are the true vitals of salvation, the body & the blood of the Lamb!!!

It is my goal to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His life in my spirit so that my spiritual senses may be raised to and above the level of my physical senses...

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