Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Venting = Sanity ? ~ Conversations

Venting has been on my mind a lot lately and I have had conversations with others about it...

I must admit, venting makes me feel this an okay thing?

One friend said venting to someone who can do something about the situation is okay, but that it turns into gossip otherwise...

My husband says that venting keeps us sane...

I very often feel guilty when I have said something about someone that rubbed me the wrong way...but I also have a tendency to feel guilty about stuff I shouldn't feel badly about...

Sometimes I think we vent to others who have experienced the same kind of thing with the same person (people) or someone different...

I know Peace is our goal and that we are not supposed to make others think ill of someone...

But I can't help but realize that venting does relieve the pressure where bitterness would otherwise take hold...

And much of my venting is me fighting the battle with my mind as I weigh my responsibility to and with others...

Food for thought...oh, and if you can't tell, I want venting to be okay cause it really helps...possibly, though, limiting to whom I vent and how often - these are the dilemmas...

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