Sunday, April 29, 2012

Some Thoughts on My Thrifting Business ~ stemming from conversations with my Hubby & and my Gal-Pal & Partner in Crime, Martha

Balancing Life & the Expressway of Thoughts that are my Mind: 

Hubby thinks of his mind being a lazy Susan with mason jars on it and each category that his mind processes are kept in their own mason the importance demands, the lazy Susan spins to the most pertinent jar...

Yes, I know this is more a man's way of compartmentalizing, but the visual gives me something to work with...

I need a way to put the lid on some jars in order to turn the incessant busyness off...and the focus to be with the one jar needed at the time...

Me: "I am spending ALL my birthday money on the business!!??" Martha: "What else is there?" 

This is so cute...we are having the time of our lives in this new venture and it helps to know that any bit of money I make goes into the asset, not the expense of this business...

As I see it, I am getting to be both curator & secretary.  I choose, repurpose, and bring people & treasures I do all the research, pricing, writing blurps and photography...all so fun!!!

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