Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Staying in the Moment, Again

So yesterday, like so many days, I started having thoughts that stemmed from fears of the future and guilt over the past.

Talking to my husband,  I realized that everyone has weird, random and often disturbing thoughts that enter their mind. Most people filter thoughts out without even thinking...but I tend to replay them like a broken record making me feel crazy and worried as I project thoughts as possible reality.

Much of this has to do with my OCD nature and the filter at my frontal lobe not filtering properly ~ at least that is what one doctor told me...

Last night as I was driving home, I was praying about this and the thought came ~ JUST STAY IN THIS ONE MINUTE AND ENJOY...and oh, the joy...I was enjoying the dusky cool air as I drove with my windows down, the sweet fact that I was following my amazing husband home and he was signing "I love you" to me, replaying the fun of the day with Martha and Jen and all my kitty-themed birthday presents...

All the fears when I was in the minute faded away...nothing mattered but that minute...and oh the glory of that minute, gifts and pleasures beyond number...everywhere I looked, everything I thought was pleasureful because it wasn't borrowing time that had already passed or time that had yet to come...

There is a sweet relaxing in this minute...yes, it takes taking thoughts takes discipline, but it is so worth it ~ so much abundance and freedom when we stay right here, and it is not just sitting mindlessly, but looking with the physical and spiritual senses for the gifts of God, then being thankful...that's where the joy comes from!!!

"Heaven above is softer blue,
Earth around is sweeter green,
Something lives in ev'ry hue,
Christ-less eyes have never seen.
Songs with gladder songs o'erflow
Flowers with deeper beauties shine.
As I know as now I know,
I am His and He is mine..."

from "I am His and He is Mine" - and old hymn

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