Monday, June 18, 2012

Galatians 6: 1-6 - Kindness, Clarity & Sharing

So often, and can so recall this weekend when I spouted mean crap about other people..was reading Galatians 6 last night in The Message: we are to reach out to the oppressed, which is fulfilling Christ's law, and if we think we are too good for that we are badly deceived..

As I have been streamlining lately, Galatians 6 also says that when we know our calling, we are to sink ourselves into often our own selves and the evil spiritual forces thwarting us will distract us. That is why I am so thankful for the path God has cleared in my mind of where to put my focus..and as I go forward, it is all about His work not what others' think I should do or think of me..

Lastly, this section of Galatians taught me that as I go about doing His work, I am to share all the good I experience with such a way that we are all living the common life..I feel like much of my sharing will be opening my home to kiddos & helping the ladies of the church..

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