Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Superhero, Cable: convo with my hubby

My husband and I were driving to a movie the other wonderful husband who thinks about me and why I work & process the way I do..he offered me a perfect analogy as to why I mull over stuff like I do, why then, I tire and must recoupe with naps, why blogging is such a release for me. He said I remind him of the superhero Cable. He is a mutant who is part human & part machine and with an amazing plethora of powers..the reason is he is part machine is because of a disease he has, and of all the power that he has, half of it is used to fight the disease that is trying to make his entire body a machine..

In a similar way, although I seem to myself to tire so easily, in fact, I am constantly fighting a storm in my mind, trying to sort through raging feelings, that in turn, thrill me or devastate me; or decipher ideas that claw & attach unceasingly to my brain. My sanity is hung on the processing system my mind & Cable, I fight with much of my power..just to stay okay..

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