Thursday, June 14, 2012

Therapy from Him.. here
"Heal my heart & make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I go from nothing to, eternity.."

Revelation here

"Sing a new song to Him who sits on Heaven's Mercy Seat..
Jesus, your Name is Power, Breath & Living Water..
You are my EVERYTHING & I will adore You!!!

He Hold the here

"And to all the things that have kept you away
That keep you defeated day after day after day
The heartache that nobody sees
That eats at your soul like a cruel disease
He who set the captives free
It is He; it is He who holds your keys!!!"

Tough night last night, dealing with people & baby-craving yet again..I finally chose to call on Jesus and he put me through the best therapy I have every had..

I felt in bondage and I came to realize that Jesus must be my EVERYTHING..there are no guarantees in this life for anything except my life in Him, a life that will last for eternity, & the promise that as I love Him, everything in my life will turn out for good...the health of my husband that I love, the protection of my siblings who are so dear to my heart, the souls I crave to know Him, the babies my heart cries out for..these are the things that tear at my soul..but He has to be what my cravings & soul are wrapped up in..

In the great midst of confusion, I must just be focused on taking the next step He has asked of me..I always feel like I must have a great plan, but all we really have is this minute & just taking that one next step..

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