Monday, April 23, 2012

My Career: Worship & Thanksgiving - Glory written by Ruth Ward Heflin #3 & One Thousand Gifts written by Ann Voskamp #3

Books are beginning to meld together ~ an obvious sign that God has His hand in my reading and understanding....

What do I want to be for the rest of my life? A all I do, worship is the prelude, the postlude and the veil that covers every tiny aspect of the actual work...

What is worship but the act of thanksgiving poured selflessly out, realizing that ALL is from Him and He has my good set primary in His plan....

Thanks creates abundance and new life: think of the 5 loaves and 2 fish - He gave thanks and there was more than enough, think of Lazarus - He gave thanks to His Father and resurrection took place...

Thanks expands each moment in each hour as we relish the joy abiding in each second...

Simplicity comes through focus - the lens on this one second and the overflowing abundance it holds, and this simple focus is sacred...

Don't leave the moment where I AM abides...

This life might be short, but remember we are on the shore of eternity...for us in Christ, life really is ETERNAL!!!

Thanks be to God for the indescribable gift of a bliss-filled eternity because of Jesus!!!

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