Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Oh, Sacred Head Now Wounded" sung by Fernando Ortega & "We Have Seen God's Glory" sung by Steve Green


This are the words that forever clenched my faith in Jesus...yes,  I still have doubts...I wonder at all the validity of the Gospel...but if there is even the slightest chance that the God/Man left His home in Heaven and suffered this much for me, I cannot help myself grabbing hold of Him for the rest of my life!!!!!


 O Sacred Head Now Wounded

Text: Anonymous; trans. by Paul Gerhardt and James W. Alexander
Music: Hans L. Hassler, 1564-1612; harm. by J.S. Bach, 1685-1750
Tune: PASSION CHORALE, Meter: 76.76 D

1. O sacred Head, now wounded, 
 with grief and shame weighed down, 
 now scornfully surrounded 
 with thorns, thine only crown: 
 how pale thou art with anguish, 
 with sore abuse and scorn! 
 How does that visage languish 
 which once was bright as morn! 

2. What thou, my Lord, has suffered 
 was all for sinners' gain; 
 mine, mine was the transgression, 
 but thine the deadly pain. 
 Lo, here I fall, my Savior! 
 'Tis I deserve thy place; 
 look on me with thy favor, 
 vouchsafe to me thy grace. 

3. What language shall I borrow 
 to thank thee, dearest friend, 
 for this thy dying sorrow, 
 thy pity without end? 
 O make me thine forever; 
 and should I fainting be, 
 Lord, let me never, never 
 outlive my love for thee. 

This song sung by Steve Green holds such amazing memories of days living in San Antonio and my daddy and I being thoroughly obsessed with everything Steve these words hold strength and overwhelming happiness for me as I have seen the mighty work of Christ and have been raised to life in mercy, even after a full and complete rejection of Him!!! "...but how their words persuade, the truth is in their eyes (we are to make Christ attractive to everyone!!!)....reaching those who doubt, touching those who cry...walking with our God in such a living way!!!


We Have Seen God's Glory

There they are again
The witness of Jesus take their stand
Twelve amazing men
Their testimony spreads across their land
Such a story told
How can they believe
That God has walked upon the earth
Could they be deceived?

But how their words persuade
The truth is in their eyes
And many hearts are won to faith
As they testify:

We have seen God's glory
We have lived and walked with Christ the King
We have seen Him heal the wounded
We have heard the brokenhearted sing

We have seen God's glory
We have seen Him dead and raised to life
We will worship Him forever
We have seen God's glory, Jesus Christ

Here we are again
The witnesses of Jesus take their stand
May it never end
Through us let God keep stretching out His hand
Reaching those who doubt
Touching those who cry
Lifting up the word of God
As we testify

Walking with our God
In such a living way
That when we share our faith in Him
We can truly say: Chorus (2) times then We have seen God's glory (3) times then Jesus Christ (2) times

Words and Music by Gary Driskell and Mike Hudson
Copyright 1986 Ariose Music (ASCAP). Admin. By Gaither copyright management. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission.

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