Saturday, June 23, 2012

Damascus Road Experiences???

Do Damascus Road experiences happen for all people? What I am wondering is, does Jesus stop every person's life cold in their tracks at some point and show who he is clearly, without the confusion and deception that humanity is bound to? I know that in my life between the ages of 25 to 35, due to very unsound teaching, I thought like Paul, that I was doing the right thing in denouncing Christianity. Over the course of those 10 years, I tried my hardest to be a wild and free party girl. But in reality, I was excessively miserable. The Savior let me stumble hard through this, but didn't let my life end in this devastating fog. He revealed who he really is to me - the one who desires none to perish, the one who gives every person a measure of faith, the one who begged his Father to forgive his murderers. Those murderers, like Paul, like me, did not know what they were doing. In our confusion, in our trying to do good but in a totally messed up way; my hope, my prayer is that when Jesus appears to us individually, that we would be struck by the light of his love, a love that knows knows no limits!!! You know where he sits right now: on the mercy seat..can there ever be a more beautiful spot to come to him at & simply trust, every day, in his all-encompassing love?

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